Health Topup Insurance

Enhance Your Health Coverage with Health Top-up Insurance

Understanding the Benefits of Health Top-up Insurance

Health Top-up Insurance is a supplementary health insurance policy that enhances your existing health coverage. It provides additional financial protection by covering medical expenses that exceed the limit of your primary health insurance policy. With Health Top-up Insurance, you can ensure comprehensive coverage without worrying about excessive out-of-pocket costs.

Coverage Above Base Health Insurance Limits

Insurance kicks in when the sum insured of your primary health insurance policy is exhausted. It covers the medical expenses that exceed the deductible or threshold limit specified in your base policy.

Cost-Effective Solution

Insurance offers a cost-effective solution to enhance your health coverage. Instead of purchasing a higher coverage primary policy with a higher premium, you can opt for a Health Top-up Insurance plan that provides coverage only when needed

Flexibility and Portability

Health Top-up Insurance offers flexibility and portability. You have the freedom to choose the coverage amount and deductible as per your preference. It is also portable, which means that you can retain the policy even if you switch jobs or change your primary health insurance provider.

Seamless Integration with Base Policy

Health Top-up Insurance seamlessly integrates with your base health insurance policy. It works in conjunction with your primary policy and settles the claim based on the combined coverage amount.

Peace of Mind and Financial Security

By opting for Health Top-up Insurance, you gain peace of mind and financial security. It acts as a safety net, protecting you from unexpected medical expenses that go beyond your primary health insurance coverage

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